
Mathematics Worked Examples by Topics

Number Mathematical Skills Applications
1 Number, percentages, and percentiles Determining the amounts, costs, and dimensions of materials
2 Ratio Scaling models, dimensions, shapes, and drawings
3 Surface area/Volume Finding costs of quantities, waste amounts
4 Trigonometry Calculating angles/lengths of products
5 Graphs and charts Using data to make decisions/visualization of data
6 Coordinates and geometry Using coordinates for design drawings
7 Statistics Using data to make informed design decisions


Question 1)

A kayak manufactuer is using epoxy adhesive to bond the fibre glass layers together in the kayak design.

  • The kayak will require 5.3m2 of fibreglass
  • 5 litres of Epoxy adhesive is needed per metre squared
  • The ratio of resin to hardener for the epoxy adhesive is 3:4

Calculate the volume of hardener needed for 100 kayaks.

Step 1) Calculate the amount of epoxy adhesive needed for 1 kayak:

Epoxy resin needed = 5.3 x 5 = 26.5 litres

Step 2) Calculate the amount of hardener needed:

Hardener needed = 47 x 26.5 = 15.14 litres

Step 3) Calculate the volume needed for 100 kayaks:

Total volume = 15.14 x 100 = 1514 litres

Question 2)

A games console developer has designed a new plastic controller. The controller must have a free space interior volume of 250cm3 for electrical components.

  • The occupied space in the controller is 180cm3
  • The ratio of occupied space to free space is 4:5

Is there enough space in the controller for the electronics. Show your working.

Step 1) Calculate the amount of volume '1 ratio part' is equivalent to:

1 ratio part = 1804= 45

Step 2) Calculate the amount of free space using the ratio:

Free space = 45 x 5 (5 ratio parts free space) = 225cm3

225 is smaller than 250, not enough free space

Question 3)

A student needs to cut a plank of wood into three pieces in the ratio 2:5:9. The plank is 360cm. Calculate the longest piece.

Step 1) Calculate the total 'ratio parts':

Total 'ratio parts' = 2 + 5 + 9 = 16

Step 2) Calculate the length of one 'ratio part':

1 ratio part = 36016 = 22.5

Step 2) Calculate the longest length (9 'ratio parts'):

Longest length = 22.5cm x 9 = 202.5cm

Topic test: